Scape Living Student Accommodation

Customer Profile

Scape designs, builds and operates student living facilities in the UK, Australia and United States. With over 18,000 beds in operation and development, Scape’s obsession with intuitive design & intelligent service puts students at the very heart of everything they do. More than just a landlord, Scape builds warm communities and lifelong connections in all their locations.

Project Profile

  • With COVID shutdowns and a limit on international students, Scape took the opportunity to upgrade facilities to improve sustainability and lower costs through no-cost solar power purchase agreements.
  • With student activism awareness around climate change, the on-site solar generation improved NABERS ratings across each asset.
  • Well aligned to our principles as an ‘agile’ organization, Scape pivoted to repurpose facilities for COVID quarantine facilities and refugee housing.

Pay $0 upfront with Agile Energy's tailored PPA

Agile Energy offers a range of Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) to suit individual business needs. We are also the only providers in the industry who offer a 3-year PPA, allowing our customers to

Learn more about our Power Purchase Agreement.